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NGG is working in partnership with the Australian Food and Grocery Council to develop and roll out industry training to support the  Food and Grocery Industry Code of Conduct. the code applies to all grocery suppliers trading with Coles, Aldi, Metcash or Woolworths.


In 2020 the code went through it's first update and 14 amendments came into play. Metcash became signatories this year.

Make sure your team has a good grounding in the Code and understands the rules of the road.

All Code training is interactive and practical, providing detailed information on each of the Code obligations. This includes the intent, legal framework, overview and real world case studies set against practical insight. At the end of the program delegates should have a clear understanding of the Code and its obligations as well as an action plan to take back to the office.


There are three modes of training:

Online Facilitated  - COVID Friendly

Usually run over 2 - 4 bite sized sessions, the same ground is covered as the full day workshop. We utilise Zoom to run breakout groups and find the feedback from delegates to be extremely positive. 

You miss nothing through this format and the benefits of "in house" discussions of real issues benefits all and makes the training instantly beneficial.


Work through this video enriched program at your own pace. All content is covered, the only thing you miss out on is the discussion with the facilitator. However, we're just at the end of the phone and always happy to talk through any questions or follow up you might want to discuss.


The Code training is interactive and practical, providing detailed information on each of the Code obligations. This includes the intent, legal framework, overview and real world case studies set against practical insight. At the end of the day delegates should have a clear understanding of the Code and its obligations as well as an action plan to take back to the office.

Assessment and Certificates

All delegate are invited to complete there program by taking an online assessment. Upon passing the quiz they are issued with Certificates of Completion by the AFGC.

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